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Here is an alternative to a traditional Orange Cover. Our snowman knitting pattern will hold an orange in his belly and won't deflate when the orange is removed.
£4.99 Leaflet
Santa is a Christmas themed knitting pattern. Give chocolate as well as a knitted gift. Add a fillable Christmas bauble instead and craft a different gift again.
£4.99 Leaflet
This is probably the cutest alien that you will ever see! In orange, he is another easy knitting pattern from Knitting by Post.
£4.99 Leaflet
Here is DungarElf. He has separate dungarees and a shawl too. Stripey stockings complete the look. You can make him using this elf knitting pattern. Download or Leaflet available now.
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Ladybirds are a summer time favourite in any garden. Here is our ladybird baby knitting pattern.
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Snow Joker is a cute little hybrid. He is half joker and half snowball. He has a 4 pointed hat and boots to keep him warm this winter. Knit him in any double knitting yarn and 3mm knitting needles.
£4.99 Leaflet
Bonfire the Dog knitting pattern. He is wrapped up and ready for the Autumn. Fireworks, parkin and toffee apples at the ready.
£4.99 Leaflet
Here is Bear Hugs. She is a cute polar bear knitting pattern in festive red. Knitted in double knitting yarn, here is a sweet bear to get your needles clicking.
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Here is Tommy our WW1 soldier. He is standing proud with his medal and tin hat. A knitted remembrance doll.
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Is he a giraffe? No it's a Giraffe Boy. Knit this unusual take on one of the best loved wild animals.
£4.99 Leaflet
Bunnies !!! Bertie is such a cutie. His ears stand up and he has a sweet bow and scarf to keep warm.
£4.99 Leaflet
Three knitting patterns in one. Small horse, hippo and cow.